Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Already loosing teeth!

So, Haley fell as she always does, but cried a little more than normal. So, after consoling and kissing her, it seemed a little odd that she cried as there were no obvious bleeding, bruising, or swollen things. After we administered the final cure all treatment (elmo), she was making funny noises, so I looked at her mouth and noticed part of her left front tooth is missing! The dentist said it would be fine and may even turn grey but not to worry. I'll try to post some pictures, although it will be in every picture for the next 3/4 years. At least it was not her permanent teeth!


  1. That very thing happened to Miss Ela and they put a bright white cap on her's. Funny thing was Ela who by nature seems to be kinda clutsy didn't even cry.
    :) Heather Salas

  2. She still looks as precious and beautiful as ever ~
